Jailbreak Apple TV 3, 4, 2 Instructions by Free Guide
Dear readers in this short guide I will explain the method and the steps required to jailbreak the latest Apple TV 4, Apple TV2 or Apple TV 3 with the special and new version of the Apple Tool. We will focus on explaining the entire jailbreak process, providing info on every single task and what exactly you ought to do.
You have probably read by now that the Pangu tool can be used to do jailbreak on the Apple TV 4 and Apple TV 2 sets. With the release of the latest Pangu version, it has become crystal clear that any Apple TV 4 or Apple TV 2 5.3 which operates on iOS 6.1.4 or tvOS 9.0 can be jailbroken. However, for the owners of Apple TV 3 we have bad news, because there is still no solution to the jailbreak problem, and honestly it may take some time before a tool capable of providing proper jailbreak is released. So knowing this information, please keep in mind that the following tutorial will be useful only for those users who want to do jailbreak on their Apple TV from the 4th, 2nd and 1st generation. Moreover, please keep note that some of the available Apple TV apps may not be compatible with the latest version of the tvOS or Apple iOS.
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Why Jailbreak my Apple TV 4?
The reason on why so many users decide to do jailbreak on their apple TV 4, Apple TV2 is because this procedure enables them to use applications and programs which normally cannot be run on Apple devices. In other words, when any Apple device is jailbroken, the user can add , install and use applications from any third party services and not only from iTunes.
This of course opens many doors, and gives additional functionality to the device, especially when it comes to the Apple TV 4 units.
Benefits of jailbreaking Apple TV 4 set
For example, once your Apple TV is jailbroken you will be able to use software apps such as the XMBC to stream different media content from various sites on your device. Even though this will not enable you to get channels like Hulu Plus for free (you will still be required to pay subscription fee to use it) still the possibility of using similar sites is beneficial to many users.
And even though the iTunes features many, many popular TV shows and movies, still the safety protocols of Apple sometime can be quite bothersome, and in order to avoid this, many users can simply jailbreak their Apple TV 4 and play content and media outside the iTunes.
List of Benefits:
- The owner of Jailbroken Apple TV 4 can use third party apps and software and alter any files which are currently stored on the device.
- Possibility to use third party services like Fire Core, which is an app that enables the user to use different apps on ATV
- The option to stream media content from different iOS devices with the Airplay app
- You can install Hulu, Pandora Radio, XBMC or Last FM without problems
- You can do jailbreak on your Apple TV in less than an hour
- To start Process for Jailbreak-Apple-TV-4 or other models go here.
Without a doubt, the jailbreak is recommended for anybody who owns an Apple device. In this way you will be able to enjoy using your Apple TV set on an entire different level with many more features.
In addition, in case you are not satisfied with the jailbreak procedure, you can reverse the process. This is quite simple task that will not take long time and will return your Apple TV set to the state it was before the jailbreak took place.
So you do not need to worry about any damage done.
It is important to note that this process is safe and is not forbidden by law. So if you decide to go along and jailbreak your Apple TV set then feels free to do it without any lingering worries.
Just keep in mind that you need to use the new Pangu tool and that at this moment it is impossible to jailbreak the Apple TV 3 set.
In case you have any issues related to the process, feel free to check our online tutorial and watch our video instructions.
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