
The PlayStation 5 May get delayed; Know Why Here

The PlayStation 5 May get delayed; Know Why Here:

The PlayStation 4, often abbreviated simply as the PS4, released in September 2016 and it has been a very reasonable success, to put it modestly. We can now report that the PS4’s 4.00 firmware update may have delayed Sony’s work on the PS5, touted to be its next big release. The Play Station 5 is not expected before 2019 and we are not ruling out a 2020 release as well. It is designed to overtake Microsoft's upcoming Xbox2 console, dubbed ‘Project Scorpio’ and reclaim its position as the most powerful console available commercially. Keep in mind the fact that the PS5 remains a work in progress and the break in continuity to attend to the PS4 may not augur well for the upcoming console.
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The PlayStation 5 May get delayed; Know Why Here:

The features of the firmware update included:

  • Share Menu Updates

  • New 'Quick' Menu

  • A Redesigned User Interface

  • Folders and Organization Features

  • Trophy Changes, and finally,

  • User Profile Changes

These updates clearly solve a number of issues, especially relating to the way the console works physically. The multi-faceted updates will also users wring out the best experience from their PS4s and PS4 Pros. Unfortunately, as we said, the PS5 may get delayed, with so much ongoing work on the PS4
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The gaming industry’s two pillars are Microsoft and Sony, with shared differences and similarities when it comes to their outlook on the industry’s future. Microsoft is pushing ahead with Project Scorpio. They claim that Project Scorpio aka the Xbox 2 is the console of the future and have also said it will be the most powerful console ever built once launched. Sony is still focusing on the PS4 and the PS4 Pro, formerly known as Neo. Microsoft announced two consoles at E3 2016 in July. Project Scorpio is said to be the one console that rules it all, to borrow a phrase from a popular movie franchise. This is the idea of the 'Xbox Family’ and all the previous consoles will be connected via backwards compatibility. A new 'Play Anywhere' program suggests inter-operability. This allows gamers to purchase a game once and play it on both the Xbox and PC, thereby essentially conjugating the console and the PC. Sony will look forward to selling around 50 million consoles this year. 

The market leader, Sony, is not seen to lead the way here, or at least not in public view. We expect the new console to dictate the stated policy of Sony for the long run. Sony is looking to play the game nice and steady. PlayStation chief Andrew House stated that the PS4 Pro was inspired by the smartphone industry. He does not intend to bring down the product development cycle from the current 6-7 years and has therefore invested a lot of time and resources in developing the firmware updates we mentioned above. We admit that Sony does seem to be more attentive to the gamers’ mindset per se.
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Microsoft's aims to get rid of generational cycles and focuses instead on compatibility. The success of Project Scorpio may yet tilt its fortunes. Sony is satisfied with filling the gap between the two console generations with the PS4 Pro. Microsoft will have to price the Scorpio very imaginatively and dare we say in a risky manner if it wants to stay relevant. On the other hand, the Sony PS5 is bound to up the stakes and change the definition of the console when it releases.
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